Tuesday 15 July 2014

Top Ten Stress Management Tips by Dr. Shailesh Thaker

A stress for a week will boost your zeal and help you improve your productivity but on the contrary, if stress exceeds more than a week then it is harmful to the person’s physical as well as mental state. So in order to keep this in track you need to know about stress management and how it deals efficiently with the stress levels and make you free from all the worries.
In this competitive world, meeting deadlines, multitasking and urge to head others usually leaves us mentally exhausted. However, we can get through all these things through stress management.
Get these very effective tools to de-stress your professional as well as personal life.
(1)Where this stress comes from? Know the source of your stress and how often you come across it. Bad habits, always relaying on others, dropping down responsibilities, and procrastinating, all these things contribute to your stress level. So, you need to keep track of these things in your diary and tackle them one by one. 
(2) Deep breathing will ease you and make your mind more relaxed. Breathing techniques are very helpful and can be used almost anywhere, even at work. Once again, find a quiet place to sit down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then let it out.
(3) Add exercise and healthy diet in your lifestyle. This will strengthen your immune system. They are also great stress relievers.
(4) Positive attitude is a great motivator. Always devise affirmations. This will simply let you ease your stress level while dispelling all your negative thoughts.
 (5) When you are already loaded with a work then always feel free to say “No” to any additional workload. This will help you concentrate on your task and also reduces your stress level. 
 (6) Look around for more space. De-clutter your table. This will give you satisfaction that you have less work.
 (7) Yoga and meditation are also great for relaxation. It helps your mind relax and calm your senses.
(8) For better physical and mental functioning of your body, it is better to take multivitamin and mineral tablets. They just boost your spirits.
 (9) Make friends and talk to them. Sharing always relieve you temporarily. You will feel cared and reduce stress for time being.
(10) Do the thing that interests you the most. Such as painting, gardening, cooking, listening music, etc. This helps take your worries off and decrease your stress level.
These are the simplest tips for stress management and I think this will surely help you compact your stress and boost your zeal to work efficiently.  

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